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scenia's user avatar
scenia's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
5 votes

Are champion-specific rune pages needed in order to be competitive?

5 votes

How do I speed up egg hatching?

5 votes

Are all the Pokémon in the same place for all players?

4 votes

How do I get a Coupon for the Lumiose City Boutique?

4 votes

How can I get more of each evolution stone?

4 votes

Itemization for carries/assassins when I am ahead, but my team is behind

4 votes

What is this 13GB download in LOL

4 votes

Did the HP of Dragonite get nerfed?

4 votes

Do individual values (IVs) really matter at lower levels?

3 votes

What does term "nerf" mean? in Hearthstone

3 votes

Dropping 50 Gold Quests

3 votes

When are the statistics (IVs/Ability/Gender etc.) for a hatched Pokémon randomised?

3 votes

What happens if 2 scoiatel players play each other?

3 votes

Are eggs from gift predetermined before you open the gift?

3 votes

Is there an established single-letter abbreviation for Pokemon energy types?

3 votes

What is the formula for fans per day in Join Avenue?

3 votes

What do the buildings in Google Maps Pokemon do, if anything?

2 votes

How is the winner determined in case of server failure or disconnect?

2 votes

Are the odds of encountering a shiny different for each Pokemon?

2 votes

Any benefit buying 2 barrels?

2 votes

What determines the frequency (and type) of acquiring special items?

2 votes

How much stardust is needed to power up a pokemon?

2 votes

What do the symbols above a Pokemon's head mean?

1 vote

How to determine the exact position of a pokemons CP arc in percent, level or position?

1 vote

Why is it hard to find a Eevee in the Trophy Garden in Diamond and Pearl?

1 vote

Why does my character stop moving after making some actions?

1 vote

Can't collect Pokemon Go gym rewards

1 vote

Why doesn't Pokémon Go connect to my Google Account when I log in?

1 vote

Where do I find my Player ID for the Pokémon Trainer Club?

1 vote

How do I find the fourth Kartana if I accidentally knocked it out previously?