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Ben's user avatar
Ben's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Queensland, AUS
6 votes

What is the maximum paragon level?

6 votes

Is there a "Hold to Zoom" option for Sniper Rifles?

6 votes

Do Chica and Freddy do the same things?

5 votes

How to use Warlock's blink effectively?

5 votes

In clash of clans, how are attackable resources distributed between buildings?

5 votes

What level will your new character on destiny be if you have already completed one or two of them?

5 votes

How can I avenge my friends' deaths?

5 votes

Where do I get Daedric weapons at level 40?

5 votes

Can I safely sell an Xbox 360 with XBLA games on the HDD?

5 votes

Where is a good area to farm arrows and/or bolts?

5 votes

How to backstab on PC?

5 votes

What's the absolute maximum damage potential with a melee weapon in dark souls 2?

5 votes

What are the fastest missions for restoring the thieves guild?

5 votes

What does the "activate fan" button do?

5 votes

How to set Command Block(s) to test for a particular time and output a message?

5 votes

How many skills do you have at level 26 in Diablo 2 L.O.D.?

5 votes

No permission to use commands

5 votes

What is the fastest way to move in Darksiders?

5 votes

How are weapons affected by SPECIAL?

5 votes

How much damage does the Jagged Ghost Blade block when not using a Transcendent Curse?

5 votes

Do Summon's kills count towards unlocking Limit Breaks

5 votes

Does Adventure Sync also track distance?

5 votes

Which Professor do you send you pokemon to in Go?

5 votes

What does the syntax “(y?)” mean in my woodland mansion coordinates?

5 votes

Is utilising the FPS bypass tool to complete problematic levels considered cheating?

5 votes

Soul Vessel in Dark Souls 2

5 votes

I can't aim or fire a bow in minecraft

5 votes

Do I need to play the previous God of War titles to understand God of War (2018)?

5 votes

Building on top of Trapdoors in Vanilla?

5 votes

Do I need a nametag for my converted Zombie Villager?

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