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ken's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
4 votes

Do you have to have the Dawnguard DLC to become a werewolf?

3 votes

Difference between backpacks with same ability

2 votes

Do stronger Conjuration spells make weaker bodies stronger?

1 vote

How does the Oblivion levelling system actually work?

1 vote

Do I need to equip the weapon to make it available for the next missions?

1 vote

Does an ability bonus go beyond the maximum listed?

0 votes

Can Yasuo's W also deny "beam-type" spells?

0 votes

DA2: Cross class combo

0 votes

Can Fiora be CC'd during her ultimate?

0 votes

How can I find a lost item?

0 votes

How do I get rid of my bounty?

0 votes

Saved Maelon's Research Data but Eve dies from the stress & fatigue of the testing

0 votes

Do items that improve mana/stamina regeneration help with Merrill's blood magic?

0 votes

How does wood compare to coal in terms of home heating efficiency?

-1 votes

Any good explanation of the different weapons and their effect on Sins of a Solar Empire?

-1 votes

Is Void Staff always effective, or it's meant to be situational?

-1 votes

As a seasoned XCom player is it worth playing the Enemy Within Tutorial?

-2 votes

Which smithing route is the best to get all armor the fastest?