I have installed Minecraft on several different computers, and I want to synchronize the list of servers with all of my computers. Is there any way to do this (e. g., by linking the list of servers to my Minecraft account)?

1 Answer 1


If you set up a Dropbox account, any files stored there will be synced between computers that have your account linked.

What you then can do to sync the file is use a symbolic link between the minecraft file and your dropbox folder. A symbolic link is a special type of file, that contains a reference to another file or directory. The exact file you want to link to is servers.dat

For example, I synced my entire minecraft directory like so:

  • I moved the .minecraft folder into my dropbox's Private folder
  • Opened a Command Prompt window
  • Navigated to where the .minecraft folder was using the cd command (For example, cd "C:\Users\Robotnik\AppData\Roaming\"
  • Create the symbolic link using the mklink command (mklink /D ".minecraft" "C:\Users\Robotnik\Dropbox\Private\My Games\.minecraft")
    • /D tells it to make a Directory symbolic link - if you only want to move one file leave this off- it will create a file link instead.

If you navigate to the link you just created using Explorer, it looks like a shortcut (it has the little arrow)

Obviously, if you're only moving servers.dat, you only need to move that one file.

I do this with all my save games that don't automatically sync with the cloud. You will need to create the symbolic link on each PC.

  • Perhaps you could explain what a Symbolic Link is and does? It's also worth mentioning that you didn't MOVE the .minecraft folder, you must have COPIED it or else you wouldn't have been able to link them.
    – Jason_c_o
    Commented Sep 5, 2013 at 21:30
  • @Jason_c_o - "A symbolic link is a special type of file that contains a reference to another file or directory." and yes, you need to actually move the .minecraft folder, i.e., there can't be a folder and a (directory) symbolic link with the same name in the same directory.
    – Robotnik
    Commented Sep 5, 2013 at 23:25
  • Might be worth mentioning that the specific file to sync for the server list is servers.dat. Commented Sep 6, 2013 at 3:10
  • @SevenSidedDie - thanks, I've added that. Also added the definition of symbolic link
    – Robotnik
    Commented Sep 6, 2013 at 3:42

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