I'd like to know if there is a sort of "accepted strategy" on whether or not it is worth it to keep battling to get crowns/trophies and miss out on chests (and the potentially sweet, sweet loot within) or is it better to be patient and only battle when I have an open chest slot.
I figured it may be best to wait since the game warns you about it if you try to start a battle without a chest slot, but maybe at a different number of trophies there is a different way to go about it (I am very low level).
I am aware I can spend gems on the chests to open them immediately, but I would rather not do that.
So, is it worth it to only battle with an open chest slot? Or is it better to focus on gaining trophies/crowns and just keep plowing through the battles to my hearts desire, even if it means missing out on some chests? (And does the method change at a higher level?)