I've drained about 500 of my precious in game currency trying to beat the Innkeeper of the Inn in the Homestead area for an achievement. Is there a trick to beating this guy? He is like the Six Men's Morris world champion or something and has already caused me so much rage.
3 Answers
- Play first
- Place your first two pieces on the middle square at the top left and bottom right corners
- Switch to blocking the opponent from getting 3 in a row (a 'mill') for a couple of moves
- When you get a free move (i.e. you don't have to block) try to make a mill (line of 3)
- During steps 3 and 4 keep blocking/moving with a view to getting two mills that you can move between.
- Don't lose any pieces.
- If you get to a place where you can keep moving to complete a mill (ideally between two) you can use it to mop up all his pieces.
- You can break a mill and then re-complete it in two moves - if your opponent is more than 2 moves away from completing a mill you can use this to stop him too.
Here's a winning set up:
The top middle white piece can move up and down between two mills - at this point they can keep repeating to remove all black's pieces.
Here is a video with more detail.
Just got it for the first time after like an hour. You have to play second, get it so that you end up 3 chips each with it being your turn, move your middle chip in the row you made to an adjacent corner. When he moves, create a row by moving one of the outside chips to the row he did not block.
2I'm not sure I understand your description. Where abouts on the board would your three chips be? Surely that is an important detail to add in...– ChrisCommented Nov 9, 2012 at 15:44
Download a 9 man morris app and play 2nd on the game and put his moves in the and do the moves the app does(make sure the apps on the hardest mode)
1Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.– Community BotCommented Nov 28, 2021 at 6:06