Someone found this quiver with surprisingly high values, although I'm unable to find a level 30 rare quiver on
Given that the item's internal level (IIL) determines which affixes are possible, I'd like to know whether the level of an itemIIL affects the minimum/maximum rolls for the eachan attribute, a graph or table would be great.
AlsoFor example, does the raritylet's say items are able to get a pure +intellect affix from IIL 20, what's stopping you from rolling 250 at 20?
Is it a bell curve, which has shallower gradients with a higher IIL of anthe item?
Is it capped, dependant on IIL?
Do the min/max caps step up at a particular level increasecertain IILs,though it's the maximum number of attributes possiblesame attribute? For example, IIL 20-40 is capable of 5-120, IIL 41-60 is capable of 20-320, ..., IIL 63 = 40-400