Road Maintenance /Road/Turn
Difficulty | Your Land | Neutral
Settler | 1/3g0.34g | 1/3g0.34g
Chieftain | 1/2g0.50g | 1/2g0.50g
Warlord | 7/10g0.75g | 7/10g0.75g
Prince | 1g1.00g | 1g1.00g
5-7* | 1.00g 1g* | 1g*1.00g
Deity | 1g1.00g | 1g1.00g
Road maintenance is only ever a whole number. In the case of fractionsdecimal remainder, multiply by your number ofalways round down. For example, on Settler, 2 roads cost 0.68, then roundwhich clearly got rounded down to 0.
To find each of these, I built roads either only inside, or only outside my borders at a time. Warlord's 7/10g is an odd number, but that'sThis confirmed the best fit (rounding down all fractions when totaling maintenance) after building a full 10 roads, bothsame results for inside and outside my borders. I did not build enough roads to be certain of 1/3 or 1/2out, but those aregot me only close enough numbers to see the trend, and I'm not bothered by some small error on those numbers. (If anyone would like to test those more fullyThen @Oak used his powers of XML scrying, I would be happy to postand found the exact numbernumbers for us.)
Also, I was quite surprised that Deity had a 1g still. I checked that I was really playing on Deity and built several roads, all costing another 1g,Since so that's what I'm going with. I'm still open to someone finding a mistake in my test, since that's such an odd result.
*Having foundmany difficulties are 1g at Deity, I skipped testing(and the in-between difficulties, since they wouldones that are not be anything BUT 1g. As long as no mistakes are found in Prince-Deity all costing 1g/road/turnthe easier difficulties anyway,) and for our general happiness, I hereby declare "1g" an acceptable approximation for all further calculations relating to road maintenance. Hurray!
When next I can test, I will double check Deity again, thenI'll re-test road's in another nation's borders, to clean up the next section! Same Bat-time. Same Bat-channel.