When you're in a party with other players, is loot shared or does everyone gets his own drops? If it's shared, is it free-to-take for everyone, or only for person that landed a killing blow, or perhaps the person who attacked the monsters first.

1 Answer 1


All party members can see all of the drops. The drops (at least the non-junk stuff) can be flagged with one of the party member's names when it drops. The player that is flagged on the piece of loot has approximately 3 seconds to loot it before anyone can loot it.

Each loot item will appear, in the world, with a timer bar and the flagged person's name. If it's not flagged to you then it appears in a faded-out color (until the timer expires).

Here's a screen shot showing the timers:

enter image description here

I snagged the screen shot from this video.

  • Is the flagging random, or the person that kills the monster gets flagged for the item? Give a little more info about that and I'll accept your answer.
    – MaxBedlam
    Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 7:26
  • 1
    @ChrisHateZ it's definitely some sort of randomness. There may be a formula involved though I don't know what it is. It's not directly tied to who kills the monster.
    – Luke Z
    Commented Jan 27, 2013 at 19:07

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