In other words, how long can you be inactive in ranked before you're kicked out of a promotion series?
3 Answers
No, the series only ends once you have played those 3 games. They can be be played over any length of time.
1What if you stop playing for 28 days and rating decay takes place? Would that kick you out of a promotion series?– DanteCommented Feb 13, 2013 at 21:06
This is the best I could find to help, but it doesn't mention any about it affecting your series. Once you qualify for it though, I'm assuming it wouldn't kick you out. Commented Feb 13, 2013 at 21:09
2@SadlyNot You've got it backwards; in S3, rating decay will apply only to your progression (LP), not to your elo (MMR).– SchismCommented Feb 14, 2013 at 2:05
1Found out my previous comment wasn't correct, just played my first ranked game since it happened. I still had the 100 LP, but after winning the match I was advanced into Silver I as the win counted as my second win for the promotion series, so this answer is in fact still correct.– RaveknerCommented Apr 14, 2013 at 13:14
Yes. I don't know why the top answer says you cannot be kicked out because that is false information. Decay is a thing in league of legends which causes you to lose lp over not being active for a period of time. If you do not play for 28 days from getting into your series, you will be kicked out of it.
As of June 2013, promotion series now have time constraints. The series ends after 28 days of inactivity.