I encountered The Squirrel at "A tree."
| |
| | " Hello, I'm The
| | Squirrel. I can
| | provide you candies,
| | and lots of things.
| I know how much you
| _.-'''-, love candies. But I
| .' `\ feel alone in this
| / / forest. "
| | / .--^_^
| | | / C ,,\
| | | \ _.) ___
| \ | / \ ____.----'.-'
| '-, \./ \)\) .-' -- __.-'
| \ `-/ );/ ___/ - _.-'
| \_________''--'-'________.-' -- /
| - -- - - - __.-'
- -- - -- -- /
He asks you some questions. What are the correct answers, and what is the reward for getting them correct?