I am wondering how the size of the farm and the number of workers for that farm relate to each other. In my first town I was able to build large farms but went through many different layouts and sizes. I settled on a 10x10 farm and it seemed that as long as I kept my farmers with tools, a single farmer was able to plant, tend and harvest a 99-100% yield on the farm.
In my second town my layout is a bit more constricted as I decided to play in a mountainous area. My fields at 6x15 but still restricted to a single farmer on each of them.
What has struck me as odd here however is that I am often able to start harvesting a complete field in Summer in the second town. This pretty much never happened in the first town and the size of the fields is only differing by 10 units vs half a season (the first town would always start to harvest in fall).
So, this has brought up a few questions in regards to farming that I would like to figure out.
- What is the best size of a field either by dimensions or by area they cover?
- Is there any benefit to having more than one farmer on a field?
- If I do not restrict the farmers will they roam from field to field to take care of them?
- Should I build something like a second Fishing dock to send the farmers to during the winter?
Any additional 'Keep this in mind's area also welcome in this post, but these are the topics that I would like to shed some light in the area of farming.