I'm playing Minecraft on a skyblock survival server. I'm looking for the best design for iron golem farming available in a 96x96 plot (cannot build outside of the dimensions). I've done some reading online and have done some thinking about the requirements.

  1. There must be a minimum of 64 blocks between villages, so including holding cells and whatnot, can I build an iron farm in the corners of my sky block?

  2. Can the corner based farms be stacked vertically? If so, assuming the build limit from about y=4 being the bottom I'm willing to go, can they be stacked 3 high?

1 Answer 1


Yes to both of your questions.

You can create separate villages as long as there are 64 blocks apart in any dimension (horizontally or vertically).

Check out this video that showcases 4 villages in the corners of a vertical square. You should be able to fit 12 villages like this in your plot (in the 4 corners of the plot and 3 levels upwards).

  • Thanks for that! So is the 64 blocks from the outermost door to outermost door, or center to center or how is the distance between the villages measured?
    – John Pugh
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 17:42
  • The center is the centerpoint of all doors combined, and there must be 64 blocks between the two doors closest to each other between villages.
    – Gigazelle
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 20:14
  • @JohnPugh The game measures the distance from center to center, BUT there should still be 64 blocks from the outermost door to outermost door. That is because there is a risk that the villages will merge when the chunks are unloaded and loaded again if two doors from different villages are less then 64 blocks apart.
    – Kcats
    Commented Jan 27, 2015 at 7:54
  • Thanks for the info there. Would the 64 blocks also apply upwards as well? The 64 blocks from the top of one farm to the bottom of the other?
    – John Pugh
    Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 10:07
  • 1
    Yes, the distance is considered in any direction, including upwards (euclidean distance). You can also imagine a sphere around the village.
    – Kcats
    Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 13:12

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