Pretty straightforward question. What labor is used for the prayer dwarves? I believe it is strand extraction, but my dwarves that have it enabled won't pray. I just want to know so I can be sure that it is something I'm doing that is unrelated to the mod.

1 Answer 1


Prayer is, indeed, the job formerly known as strand extraction.

Prayer is also performed at one of the religious buildings; dwaves don't just pray anywhere. This is going to sound silly, but have you built any of them? In version ☼6.2☼, the simplest of them, the Shrine of Armok [b]-[w]-[alt-H] only requires 2 blocks. In previous versions, it also required candelabras.

If a religious building does exist, the question becomes 'why aren't my dwarves using a workshop?', and the usual checklist applies: are other jobs interfering, is access available, are there any missing reagents, do burrows get in the way, etc.

  • Wow, I feel like an idiot. You were right, I had put down a bunch of religious buildings months ago, but they still hadn't been built. It will work now, thanks for the help.
    – Jake
    Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 3:44

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