I am playing with my friend who is 2 miles away from where I am.
Both of our connection is over 20mbps according to Internet Speed Test. We have 24mbps net connection(2mbps upload) and we have closed almost any other program which consumes the internet.
It says good host in the game(when you press tab) and the ping is around 30-40.
But for some reason the person who is not hosting has a very laggy play. We each tried hosting and each time we had lag issues.
My friends computer is Lenovo Yoga 2, i5, Windows 8, 8gb ram.
Mine is a desktop, 32gb ram, i7-3930K, win8, nvidia geforce gtx 760 graphics card
So I don't know what the problem is. Is the game buggy? I checked out all the forums and everyone seems to be playing fine. So what then?