I am using /tellraw for my server, and I know how to use tellraw with color, but not with multiple colors in one command. Help?

3 Answers 3


This command would send the letter 'r' in red and the letter 'b' in blue. (You would replace player with a username or target selector).

/tellraw player [{"text":"r", "color":"red"}, {"text":"b", "color":"blue"}]

This one would write, "Hello, World!" with two different colors:

/tellraw player [{"text":"Hello, ", "color":"gold"}, {"text":"World!", "color":"red"}]

This page will show you more about raw JSON text and how to use it.


If you want long ones try this one:

/tellraw @a [{"text":"YOU ","color":"gold"} ,{"text":"HAVE ","color":"aqua"} ,{"text":"BEEN ","color":"blue"} ,{"text":"REWARDED ","color":"green"} ,{"text":"GREATLY","color":"yellow"} ,{"text":"!!!!!!","color":"dark_purple"}]

Use minecraftjson.com it helps! You can add multiple lines and copy and paste the code provided in the box after you have finished

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