So, the other day I was playing on my 3DS and I set it down to grab some food from the fridge. In the not even three minutes I was in the fridge, my sister knocks the 3DS off the counter into the wall with such force it snaps the top half off the bottom (she was running really fast), and my SD slot isn't the best at holding the card in (I have to hold it manually when I play) so the card shoots out and then she unknowingly steps on and snaps it.
I normally am a very cautious person when it comes to saving and backing up but with my Fantasy Life game, it had no back up (I checked). I was like level 140 and had creator ranked all but three classes, and I would rather not lose all of that progress, or even the purchases I made for and in the game. So is it possible I could buy another 3DS and link it to my NNID and reclaim my progress or even just my purchases?