I'm trying to make a vanilla KitPvP server, and I want to make a kit that gives you normal walking speed, but when you are sprinting, you have a speed boost. Is that possible? If so, then how?

1 Answer 1


First, add an objective to keep track of whether players are sprinting:

/scoreboard objectives add IsSprinting stat.sprintOneCm

On a clock, give all players with a score in that objective of at least 1 the speed effect:

/effect @a[score_IsSprinting_min=1] speed 1 2

Then, also on the same clock, set the score to 0 for everyone so that the speed boost stops being applied when a player stops sprinting:

/scoreboard players set @a IsSprinting 0
  • Awww, Colorfusion, you steal all the positions for my answers :D
    – user143228
    Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 17:11
  • 1.13 syntax: minecraft.custom:minecraft.sprint_one_cm instead of stat.sprint_one_cm and the middle command becomes /effect give @a[scores={isSprinting=1..}] speed 1 2
    – pppery
    Commented Aug 20, 2018 at 22:22

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