You should use a dummy variable and target selector arguments.
Run once
Have a dummy score, call it healthDif
/scoreboard objectives add healthDif dummy
Run every tick, in order
Set each players healthDif
score to their own health score:
/execute @a ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players operation @a[c=1] healthDif = @a[c=1] health
Subtract the other player's healthDif
score from your own:
/execute @a ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players operation @a[c=1] healthDif -= @a[rm=0] health
Now players with a positive healthDif
score will have more health than the other player. Target with @a[score_healthDif=1]
Note this will only work for two players. In order for it to work with more, you have to take a few extra steps.
Run once
First you'll need a dummy variable to store miscellaneous variables. Call it vars
. Note: If you already have a variable for this (you likely do), you can skip this step.
/scoreboard objectives add vars dummy
Run every tick, in order
Put these between the two commands from before.
First, set the #nplayers
to 0:
/scoreboard players set #nplayers vars -1
Now, have each player increment #nplayers
/execute @a ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players add #nplayers vars 1
Finally, multiply each players healthDif
score by this number
/scoreboard players operation @a healthDif *= #nplayers vars
This way, you can have any amount of players, and the system automatically adapts!