Does pokemon go have non-attack skills?
I am new to pokemon series, but from what I learned looking at the pokedex different pokemon should have skills, such as heals, temporary immunity to damage, buff/debuff etc.
I looked through my Pokemon at this point and I do have a few skills that SHOULD have side-effects such as debuffs at very least (for instance "Confusion" and other Psychic abilities). Even so, looking at the damage (being same as "normal" attacks), I don't think it's likely.
I was wondering of if any of those non-damage skills are in game? If it has been announced, will there be any in the future?
I am thinking the massive amount of pokemon to choose from might still end up producing REALLY shallow combat if direct attacks is all there is to it.
Edit: Just to clarify, I am wondering about non-direct-damage skills and effects. For instance: Paralysis, Confusion, Speedup, Attack/Defense reduction, etc.