I was just wondering, What if I visit a star. I mean landing on a star (Sounds foolish and impossible), but I am curious. According to their statement : every star in the sky is a sun that you can visit, I wonder if they actually meant 'every star (star-system) in the sky is a sun that you can visit'; or it's a hint that we can actually visit/land on a star.

While jumping one planet to another within a system, we can see a star. What if we fly there? Did anyone try? I couldn't find any screenshots or videos of it. I could try. But I'm afraid of dying in space and losing all my collections and starships.

P.S.: I can get a hint from question : Are there any double, triple star systems in No Man's Sky?
But, I am pretty sure that is another question than mine.
My question is Can we visit and if yes, can we land on a star? No matter how many number of stars available in a sytem.

Question remains : Can we visit star? Any Idea?


1 Answer 1


No, you can not reach a star. Stars are not actual objects, they are part of the background graphics of the star system. Only planets and moons can be landed on.

I thought I read this myself on another question/answer here but I can't find it.

  • 3
    You probably read in on this answer
    – Mathias711
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 7:31
  • That means, even if I try to visit star, I'll never be there. Ughh, just graphics. Thanks @udondan Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 8:03

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