Unlike Dark Souls 1 the player stats in Dark Souls 2 shows only max HP value. Is there a way to check current HP (health points) value in DS2?

P.S. If there is not, then is there a way to check whether you've reached a point when you don't lose hp after deaths? It is 50% hp I belive, but it is hard to say looking at the hp bar whether it is 50% or 55%.

1 Answer 1


There is no way to get a number for your current health, only your overall health, which can be found in the Player Status page of the menu.

Overall health

Additionally, the overall health loss is capped at 50% of your total, and will not drop below that. From the wiki (Emphasis mine)

In addition, there is an item that decreases the total percentage of your health bar that can become locked to 25%, rather than 50% (Ring of Binding).

  • So how do I know whether the max hp loss has reached the cap of 50% of not? The losses are quite small (5%?) and hardly distingushable on the hp bar.
    – klm123
    Commented Oct 12, 2016 at 4:49
  • btw: There is a guy on youtube who is testing the limits of DarkSouls and he did make a Video about HP in DS2 youtube.com/watch?v=cgwp1i7Dofs
    – GEnGEr
    Commented Oct 14, 2016 at 13:01
  • @klm123 unfortunately there's no real way to determine that in-game. The best you can do is just by sight comparison.
    – Ben
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 22:41

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