When someone says "Trading x for a craftable hat" (generally comes in the form of "Trading one refined per craftable hat), what exactly is it that they mean?
1 Answer
The term refers to any hat that can and will be used in the Rebuild Headgear crafting recipe (combine any 2 hats for a random hat).
If the description of a hat says (Not Usable in Crafting), then that hat is uncraftable, and generally sells for less as it can't be used in creating another hat.
So why would anyone trade a hat (3 refined min.) for 1 refined? Commented Aug 31, 2011 at 7:33
@Mr Smooth: The market price of most normal hats is lower than crafting value, and that's precisely why people would rather trade than craft. Commented Aug 31, 2011 at 7:47