What kind of attack does a weapon trap with only crossbows use? Does it use bolts, and if so, which ones? Or does it only use the melee bash attack?
1 Answer
Weapon traps with ranged weapons are exactly like weapon traps with anything else - when the trap is triggered, the weapon attacks.
Ranged Weapon Traps specifically, however, do require ammo and need to be reset, same as Stonefall and Cage Traps (but with bolts rather than stones or cages). They'll use whatever bolts your mechanic can get their hands on, so you might want to forbid certain bolts / use burrows if you'd rather the trap be loaded with a specific batch.
So a crossbow trap can be loaded with more than one bolt? Is it possible to see how many bolts are loaded into the trap? Commented Oct 9, 2011 at 0:42
Yes, It's one stack, I think. I've never used them recently, so I can't tell you any more precise than that. Commented Oct 9, 2011 at 1:11
After a little test, it seems that more than one stack of bolts can be loaded into a trap: i.imgur.com/a9Vvy.png I have yet to determine if there is a maximum number of bolts that can be loaded into a trap (I ran out of bolts). It is the mechanic labour that is used to load the traps. Commented Oct 10, 2011 at 18:36
1"when the trap is triggered" - triggered by stepping on it? At least I think that's how weapon traps are triggered. But aren't crossbow traps long range? :(– AnnanFayCommented Feb 24, 2012 at 3:01