In normal circumstances, Alchemist can throw one bomb per round. But there are at least 3 feats that should increase the frequency:
- Fast Bombs
An alchemist with this discovery can quickly create enough bombs to throw more than one in a single round. The alchemist can prepare and throw additional bombs as a full-round action if his base attack bonus is high enough to grant him additional attacks.
- Rapid shot
When making a full attack with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round at your highest bonus. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.
- Two weapons Fighting
If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon.
So far I've heard that :
a) Only Fast Bomb works
b) Only Fast Bombs and Rapid Shot... but apparently not always
c) All of the above work, but TWF works only after you get Fast Bombs
So how it is in the end? How to increase number of attacks per round? Are bombs treated as ranged, melee weapons or maybe as spells?