I'm trying to make a cool thing in minecraft. and I need to disable a certain command block with a flick of a switch. Is there any command that I can put in a command block the will disable command blocks? I don't want to disable all of them, just one. Anything I can do about this?

  • What have you tried?
    – WarpPrime
    Commented Sep 2, 2020 at 13:40

2 Answers 2


Try setting the command block to chain and conditional and chaining it after a repeating command block that checks if a lever is flicked, the command should look something like this: /execute if block <coordinates to the lever> minecraft:lever[powered=true]


I assume you want to disable a repeating command block, by toggling it from "always active" to "needs redstone". That can be done by setting its "auto" NBT tag to false, for example like this:

/data merge block 12 34 56 {auto:0}

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