I was using the book editor on minecraft.tools and saw there was a mouse over hover event that displays a mob. I added the information for it and created the book in game, but nothing appeared when I hovered over the text in the book. The segment for the hover and click event was:
{"text":"Spawn Test Mob","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/execute at shaeno run
summon drowned ~ ~1 ~"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_entity","value":"
{type:drowned,name:\\"johnny sins\\",id:\\"11cdf7cf-6dc0-4b6f-9e87-e06fd2377ce8\\"}"}},
The hover event for displaying the items also didn't work and it just showed "Air" but I'll ask that as a separate question.
Pastebin of the entire command: https://pastebin.com/bkBQqh51