I am not looking for how high (Y) a spider can jump. I am looking for how far (X or Z) a spider can jump.

Let's say I have a spider sitting on a edge. How many blocks apart does the opposite edge need to be so that the spider can't jump and land on it?

XXXXXX<- distance ->XXXXXX

2 Answers 2


On Minecraft 1.18.1 in Survival Mode, I setup a covered platform 50 blocks up. I then slowly increased the X horizontal gap.

If the gap is ≤ 3 blocks, then the spiders will jump and land on top of the blocks and attack the player.

If the gap is 4 blocks, then the spiders will jump and grab onto the side the blocks. If the spider is determined, it will climb up and attack the player; otherwise, it seems to let go of the side of the block and falls.


Spiders can jump up to 3 blocks on the x-y axis

  • Welcome to Arqade! While this technically answers part of the question it would be preferable to include a reputable source of this answer so it doesn't seem like you just made the number up. Also note that the question is about the direction on the X/Z horizontal plane.
    – 54D
    Commented Jan 28, 2022 at 5:49
  • 1
    Do you mean x-z axis?
    – Nathan
    Commented Jan 28, 2022 at 21:53

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