After getting the season bank reward, my gold and elixir storages will be at 25,000,000.

I can't spend this that quickly so assuming my storages stay that way when I get attacked, will the attacker be able to gain a portion of my bonus, walking away with massive loot gains, or is the amount they can take capped somehow?

1 Answer 1


According to Clash of Clans wikia:

The percentage of Gold/Elixir that can be stolen from storages until TH6 is 20% and is capped at 200,000. At TH7 and up, the percentage that can be stolen drops by 2% at each TH level, to a minimum of 10% at TH11 and above, while the cap increases by 50k at each TH level, to a maximum of 600,000 at TH14.

Here's a chart:

Town Hall Level % Available to be Stolen Cap Storage Amount to Reach Cap
1 20% 500 2,500
2 20% 1,700 8,500
3 20% 20,000 100,000
4 20% 100,000 500,000
5-6 20% 200,000 1,000,000
7 18% 250,000 1,388,889
8 16% 300,000 1,875,000
9 14% 350,000 2,500,000
10 12% 400,000 3,333,333
11 10% 450,000 4,500,000
12 10% 500,000 5,000,000
13 10% 550,000 5,500,000
14 10% 600,000 6,000,000

The amount of stolen loot varies depending on the defender’s and also attacker’s Town Hall levels and how much loot the defender has in storage.

Luckily, there's a calculator that should answer your question. And since I don't have all the needed info, you may want to try by yourself.

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