When should I ascend? Which heavenly upgrades should I purchase each ascension?
There is a tradeoff between ascending to get heavenly upgrades, and building up cookies in bank for this ascension.
Here is the guide from the Cookie Clicker Discord. I reproduce most of it here for ease of searching until it gets added to the wiki. https://pastebin.com/8W6i6PFr
Ascensions Guide - how to get all 129 heavenly upgrades in 23 progression ascensions or less
Last updated 2024/1/11
Helpers - Yershi (v2.019), 5h3i1ah (v2.021), Narrihson (v2.021), Phlap (v2.031), Gravity (v2.031), Katloverr (v2.031), Yoi Simp (v2.031), Indian Tech Support (v2.031) Finn (v2.052), Limes (v2.052)
[Psst! Hi Fillex, Fishy, Julian, Lookas, Vol, and CursedSliver! :3]
For each ascension, the first number is the target HC to get, which is a recommended minimum. The second number, "Total HC," is the total amount of HC required for all upgrades up to and including that ascension. The third number is the total cookies baked all time you'll need to complete this ascension. Remember, you're free to play the game however you like, but deviating from the guide may result in a longer time to complete the game.
This guide assumes a somewhat active playstyle, where Golden cookie effects are the primary method of gaining cookies. However, there are also notes for changes if you are primarily idle. The costs for the upgrades are not factored into the heavenly chip gain.
The upgrades in each ascension are listed from most to least important with unlock requirements in front.
Note: These are ascension minimums. If you're lucky with Golden Cookie combos you might get way more than an ascension minimum. That's okay. Just combine two or more consecutive ascensions or buy the most important upgrades (for a future ascension) in one ascension and buy the rest (for that future ascension) in a later ascension.
[Example: you overshot Ascension 3 and got 77 thousand HC. Then you can buy all of the upgrades for Ascension 3 and Lasting Fortune and Lucky Digit (Ascension 4), and buy the rest of Ascension 5 on the next ascension]
If you don't know what any of the heavenly upgrades do, check out this link: https://cookieclicker.wiki.gg/wiki/Ascension
It tells you what each and every one of the upgrades does, all sorted in the same order as you see below, except for unshackled upgrades grouped at the bottom. (They are in order but not divided by ascension)
Permaslots guide can be found at https://pastebin.com/qgT3GepD
1st - 365 - Total HC: 365 - 48.627 quintillion - 9/129
2nd - 2 185 - Total HC: 2 550 - 16.581 sextillion - 13/129
3rd - 12 301 - Total HC: 14 851 - 3.275 septillion - 20/129
4th - 62 217 - Total HC: 77 068 - 457.744 septillion - 26/129
5th - 127 776 - Total HC: 204 844 - 8.595 octillion - 29/129
6th - 825 019 - Total HC: 1 029 863 (1.030 million) - 1.092 nonillion - 37/129
7th - 2 568 911 (2.569 million) - Total HC: 3 598 774 (3.599 million) - 46.608 nonillion - 43/129
8th - 32 900 000 (32.900 million) - Total HC: 36 498 774 (36.499 million) - 48.622 decillion - 48/129
9th - 210 266 660 (210.267 million) - Total HC: 246 765 434 (246.765 million) - 15.026 undecillion - 66/129
10th - 1 600 000 000 (1.600 billion) - Total HC: 1 846 765 434 (1.847 billion) - 6.298 duodecillion - 69/129
11th - 6 838 860 718 (6.839 billion) - Total HC: 8 685 626 152 (8.686 billion) - 655.245 duodecillion - 80/129
12th - 34 999 999 984 (35.000 billion) - Total HC: 43 685 626 136 (43.686 billion) - 83.371 tredecillion - 85/129
13th - 227 777 777 776 (227.778 billion) - Total HC: 271 463 403 912 (271.463 billion) - 20.005 quattuordecillion - 88/129
14th - 1 379 559 951 147 (1.380 trillion) - Total HC: 1 651 023 355 059 (1.651 trillion) - 4.500 quindecillion - 94/129
[- Upgrades order doesn’t really matter past this -]