While this isn't a direct answer to your question, I would hope that Blizzard designed the "Grid" layout to work in non-QWERTY layouts, and I find it to be a much more hassle-free keyboard map than any of the default ones ever have been.
The command HUD menus are organized in a 5x3 grid,
Or, to translate it better into my keyboard layout;
So the middle-most command is ALWAYS d. The build SCV/Drone/Zergling is ALWAYS q, the cancel button is ALWAYS b. Attack is (always?) t.
Grid is sane, and the easiest way to remember/use the menus (in my own opinion, of course), assuming it works in your keyboard layout.
I don't know what Blizzard did and didn't do this for our non-QWERTY friends. Check out the game options and give it a shot?