Multiplayer Related Question

I am unable to access any Mass Effect 3 Wikia pages from my internet as it is restriction due to a work gateway, however I was discussing something with a few collegues of mine.

We were wondering what Class/Race combinations are available on ME3 multiplayer. And hidden ones?

or example: I know the soldier has Male Human, Female Human, Turian, Krogan and a bonus Soldier from battlefield 3.

Could someone give the the information here instead of directing me to a Wikia?

  • very similar to What are the differences between the races in multiplayer?
    – FAE
    Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 15:20
  • @FallenAngelEyes different questions and answers, this one is just asking for a list of what races are available for which class, which is totally unanswered in the other q
    – Zelda
    Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 15:23
  • @BenBrocka - You are right, different questions, different answers. Though Similar, I did check beforehand. Thanks.
    – mike1987
    Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 15:29

2 Answers 2


Copied exactly from the Mass Effect 3 Wikia, included with the powers per races:


  • Human: Warp, Singularity, Shockwave, Alliance Training, Fitness (Adept)
  • Asari: Stasis, Warp, Throw, Asari Justicar, Fitness (Adept)
  • Drell: Reave, Pull, Cluster Grenade, Drell Assassin, Fitness (Adept)


  • Human: Adrenaline Rush, Concussive Shot, Frag Grenade, Alliance Training, Fitness** (Soldier)
  • Krogan: Carnage, Fortification, Inferno Grenade, Krogan Berserker, Rage
  • Turian: Marksman, Concussive Shot, Proximity Mine, Turian Veteran, Fitness (Soldier)
  • Battlefield 3:1 Adrenaline Rush, Carnage, Frag Grenade, Alliance Training, Fitness (Soldier)


  • Human: Incinerate, Overload, Combat Drone, Alliance Training, Fitness (Engineer)
  • Quarian: Incinerate, Cryo Blast, Sentry Turret, Quarian Defender, Fitness (Engineer)
  • Salarian: Incinerate, Energy Drain, Decoy, Salarian Operative, Fitness (Engineer)


  • Human: Throw, Warp, Tech Armor, Alliance Training, Fitness (Sentinel)
  • Turian: Warp, Overload, Tech Armor, Turian Veteran, Fitness (Sentinel)
  • Krogan: Incinerate, Lift Grenade, Tech Armor, Krogan Berserker, Rage


  • Human: Sticky Grenade, Tactical Cloak, Cryo Blast, Alliance Training, Fitness (Infiltrator)
  • Salarian: Energy Drain, Tactical Cloak, Proximity Mine, Salarian Operative, Fitness (Infiltrator)
  • Quarian: Sticky Grenade, Tactical Cloak, Sabotage, Quarian Defender, Fitness (Infiltrator)


  • Human: Biotic Charge, Shockwave, Nova, Alliance Training, Fitness (Vanguard)
  • Drell: Biotic Charge, Pull, Cluster Grenade, Drell Assassin, Fitness (Vanguard)
  • Asari: Biotic Charge, Stasis, Lift Grenade, Asari Justicar, Fitness (Vanguard)

You can be a Human male or female in any of the 6 classes, and the Human options are unlocked from the start. Alien races are listed below, and are only unlockable via the Veteren item pack or better in the store.

Adept: Asari, Drell
Engineer: Quarian, Salarian
Infiltrator: Quarian, Salarian
Sentinel: Krogan, Turian
Soldier: Krogan, Turian. There's also a bonus Battlefield 3 class if you sign into Origin with an account that has a Battlefield 3 online pass activated.
Vanguard: Asari, Drell

A nice table is available on the Mass Effect Wiki as well.

  • I can't access the ME3 wikia as stated in my original question.
    – mike1987
    Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 15:35
  • @mike1987 I know, I left the link for people who have access. Did you want more than just the races and class combinations? They're all there
    – Zelda
    Commented Mar 13, 2012 at 15:54

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