When you post a commodity such as a Radiant Ruby
, you get to choose how many you'll be putting up for auction (direct buy really) and your asking price.
You are also presented with a sales average of how much people spent on that particular item yesterday.
When you attempt to buy a commodity, you just get a fixed price, not all the different offers.
So I'm left wondering about many things about the auction house, like:
- How does the auction house choose which player it "buys from" for each purchase.
- How is the asking price compensated (or inflated) related to the price the buyer actually pays.
- If the posted item's asking price is greater than what the buyer pays for it, does the AH put up the rest of the payment?
- Am I still going to get buyers if I place an item with a very high (or very low?) asking price?
The one time I sold any commodity on the AH it was tooth/essense from normal difficulty which I no longer had a need for, and they sold almost instantly, so I wondered what would've happened if I asked for more gold, for instance.
The AH is so simplified in this capacity that it confuses me about what the inner workings are.