How can I play Rammus better in competitive play?
I realize that's a really broad question, so I'll get more specific. When I was first playing League of Legends I discovered that Rammus is a ridiculously effective noob stomper; I easily won a dozen games in a row with him in the level 10-20 range. Once I got to higher levels and espeically ranked games, though, I ran into problems.
I die way too easily early game. Rammus has pretty low MR without his W or any items, and has no real escape mechanism unless you have flash off cooldown. I often go to gank and end up dying just as we get the kill. How can I avoid these deaths and gank more effectively?
I feel like I have essentially no utility unless I can taunt the other team's carry in a team fight. Yes, I can initiate with Powerball but often times that just leads to my death when the enemy carries are too well protected. How can I initiate in team fights more effectively?