In the mission Waking the Ancient, around the middle north of the map, there's a neutral critter that burrows as soon as you get anywhere near it. It's definitely selectable; the cursor changed when I moused over it, and I think its name was "Strange Organism" or something like that.

What is it for? Is there a related achievement? Is it maybe part of an Easter egg? Or is it just a red herring?

Please spoiler your answers as appropriate.

  • Oooh... selectable? If I remember right, you can nuke selectable neutral critters through mass clicking.
    – Sconibulus
    Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 20:34
  • @Sconibulus: Like I said, it burrows in a hurry once you can see it, so I doubt you click on it enough to nuke it before it gets away. Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 20:39
  • 1
    I don't believe it's selectable, it just has a tooltip appear when you move the cursor over it. Commented Mar 14, 2013 at 21:06

1 Answer 1


That is


skulking around the edges, checking you out for future activities.

You can also see him on a ledge above your base in the next mission, The Crucible. Notice the missing right arm.


  • Note the right arm in the next mission :)
    – Orc JMR
    Commented Mar 15, 2013 at 2:43

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