I have two Xbox 360s (work and home), each of which I want to use on Xbox Live using the same profile. I will not ever have both connected at the same time. I am aware I can move my profile from the console that currently stores it, on to one USB stick, but this is inconvenient to me as I don't want to have to take it with me every day. I also know I can recover my profile to the console that doesn't currently have it, but this takes longer than I want it to.
If I'm able to copy my profile from one USB stick to another, such that it technically exists in two places, I can have one stick permanently plugged in to each console, since I presume the Xbox Live servers won't know that they're different pieces of hardware (I don't even think USB sticks can be uniquely identified).
My question is: is there a way to copy (not move) the profile from one USB stick to another? I know it can't be done from the 360 dashboard, is there a way to do it using a PC? Would a straight 'clone' of the stick work? And if so, how might I do that?