I have a Xbox 360 slim from the US and recently I bought FIFA 13 from the Marketplace in South America (Ecuador) and then I downloaded it. At 70% of the download completed, a notification shows up on the bottom that says "Can't Download FIFA 13". I tried again and the same thing happens. Is there any way to download FIFA 13 from the Marketplace in a foreign country?


1 Answer 1


This could entirely be an issue with Xbox Live's Servers/your connection to them/your ISP and Data Caps (if any). Check Here for current Xbox Status and unfortunately you'll need to contact Xbox Support for true diagnosis of the full issue.

Steps I know they will make you do:

  1. Unplug Router and Modem for 60 Seconds
  2. Plug in Router and Modem
  3. Retry download.

Other Steps

  1. Verify that you have ports listed here open and forwarded to your Xbox's IP ( Consult this link for info on how to do this.)
  2. Clear your Xbox's Cache

After those the only other thing I can think of is do you have enough Hard Drive Space for your game?

Good Luck!

All links are to spanish/Ecuador links, If you want to view them in english please click the ones below:

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