Ok, so I have this cute pet that I picked. It attacks things and I can use fish to make it uber. The problem I have is that I don't seem to care very much about him, except that his trips to town are very convenient. What I want to know, in hopes that I will find new appreciation for my pet, is how important he really is to my survival and progress.

Here's the question: Assuming I give him the best collar and tags I can find, how much of a difference can fish really make?

I have searched for questions regarding the effects of various fish and therefore understand their various effects, but they don't seem significant. As a result, I seldom bother to feed fish to my pet. I've even assigned a hotkey to fish feeding, but still seldom bother. The problem is probably that I do not know what percentage of my DPS is generated by my pet, and therefore do not account for him whatsoever. (He is useful but unaccountable.)

  • The pet concept is nice, but more of a novelty than anything else. In the next Torchlight, I hope they ditch the pet in favor of extra character inventory slots and higher stats. Trips to town can be achieved by a summonable merchant or something else along those lines. As for fish, I only ever did that in the very beginning of TL1. After realizing it was completely unnecessary, I stopped and haven't done it once in TL2 and have played through the game several times not once wishing that I had fed my pet some fish. My pet is always getting wounded and running away anyway. Commented Aug 26, 2013 at 4:00
  • 1
    At best the pet makes an unreliable extra meat shield. The strongest builds don't rely on the pet at all. Think of him as extra inventory space and a courier.
    – jw013
    Commented Aug 27, 2013 at 12:52

1 Answer 1


A common use for pets is to teach them spells and have them cast in battle. Summons in particular are very useful as it helps divert enemy damage to temporary minions. I have not seen builds which focus exclusively on making the pets a dps monster. However as an auto-caster the pet can play an important role for a squishy character or one that plays in higher diffculties.

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