The Quickshot Pistol has an 'Armor Piercing Ammo' upgrade that is described in-game as: "Bullets do extra damage to armored and mechanical targets".

What counts as an armored or mechanical target? Are vehicles, aircraft, structures (like the ones you destroy in missions), Murderbots or Wardens considered armored or mechanical for the purposes of the Quickshot Pistol's 'Armor Piercing Ammo' upgrade?

1 Answer 1


Murderbots count as mechanical, and you can shoot through the shields some Zin carry.

  • Do you also know if vehicles, aircraft, structures (like the ones you destroy in missions), or Wardens count as mechanical / armored too? Commented Aug 30, 2015 at 6:21
  • and why are you shooting vehicle with this little gun when you have black hole gun -_- Commented Mar 24, 2016 at 3:48

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