If you find this post looking to migrate your data from your console to your PC, you can do it without fancy adapters or tools:
Your xbox's "HDD" is a DISK DRIVE, probably like the one you're using on your PC right now. It connects with a SATA cable just like your PC's hard drive. If you take the clunky plastic parts and the metal plate off the hard drive portion of the xbox, you will find the actual disk drive which has a SATA node.
If you have a spare SATA cable (you should) just open up your computer case and plug the drive in with it, and use third party software such as xport 360 or Modio to read the files.
If you don't care to re-assemble the xbox neatly, you don't even need the special torx screwdrivers to get to the disk drive. Hell, even if you rip apart the plastic, as long as you keep the adapters in tact you can still plug the hard drive back into the xbox without the plastic housing. Obviously don't act like a savage when getting to the disk drive, you can damage those disks and ruin your data.
Free and effective.