I have a few Pokémon battle videos I'd like to share with friends, most of which live out of town so it isn't as simple as passing around the 3DS.
I know if some of my friends have Pokemon X/Y, I can share the video code (the one that looks like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX), which someone else enters in their Vs. Recorder to view it. However most of them either don't have Pokemon X/Y yet, or haven't gotten to the point where they unlock the VS Recorder in order to watch them.
I tried logging into the Global Link to see if I could access the video there, but every time I do it seems to be down for maintenance. Not to mention the Bulbapedia Entry for the Global Link isn't very descriptive, however it does say that the article is incomplete pending a 'future event', which I assume is the release of the PokéBank on December 27th.
I've also considered buying a Capture Card mod, however this is a very expensive option, and I'm not really willing to send away my 3DS to have it modded.
The only other option I know of is to record them manually using a video camera. However, every cam-video I've seen online, or tried to record myself has either been too low quality to discern much, or too small in terms of screen size that you don't catch much of the battle anyway.
So in summary:
Is there a way I can give my friends access to the battle videos? Is there a VS Recorder Battle Viewer on the Internet (that takes the video code) or something similar?
If not, what other options do I have, other than recording it using a camera?