Melee weapons have two stats: Damage per swing and Swing speed. The meaning of damage per swing is fairly obvious, but what does swing speed measure? Is it time/swing (so a lower value is better), or swings/time (a higher value is better)?
2 Answers
Higher value means more swings/shots/attacks per second, so higher value is better.
1This depends ofcourse. if you have a high damage weapon with low swing speed it could be better then a weapon with faster swing speed but lower damage Commented Dec 7, 2013 at 9:45
1@SergeBekenkamp true, but assuming all else is equal, higher swing speed is better. Also, weapons with lower swing speeds might have a better reach, but that's unaccounted for in stats (at the moment)– toryanCommented Dec 7, 2013 at 13:34
@SergeBekenkamp Given that weapon knockback is always the same, higher speed/lower damage is always better because it keeps mobs off you.– FambidaCommented Dec 10, 2013 at 4:32
Having only played Starbound for a bit, I can not answer this 100%. But, looking at its brother, Terreria, higher swing speed would be better. Usually, the swing speed is related to how many swings per second, not the other way around.