Judging from this question, advancing to a new era may have this effects:

  • increased bonuses more from city-states
  • unlocks policies
  • makes your opponents think your are ahead in tech (at least in multiplayer)
  • cities make more damages (or is it just the animation that changes ?)

But is that all (or true, at least)? I've heard in some "Let's Play" I was watching that changing era decreses the costs of past era technologies. Is that actually true?

There is a comprehensive list of changes you get by advancing to a new era?

  • Additional changes include adding spies to your civilization and potentially increasing the level of the World Congress (which needs half of all the civilizations to reach the new era, if I recall correctly).
    – Adam V
    Commented Jan 2, 2014 at 18:44

1 Answer 1


The following things change when you switch eras

  • Potential new spy
  • city state bonuses increases
  • internal trade routes improve
  • religious purchases increase in price
  • policy trees unlock
  • potentially unlocks ideologies
  • As poland, gain a new policy
  • affects world congress/UN voting system by making citystates worth more.
  • makes it more expensive to buy influence with citystates

I do not believe that changing eras decreases the beaker cost of scientific research from before that era.

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