My GTA 5 just stopped working. I'm already halfway finished with the game, and now all of a sudden, it just stops working. I tried reinstalling it, but that didn't work. It keeps coming up as an unrecognized disc. Plus, it's a brand new game so I don't get why this is happening in the first place.

  • Does the drive play other discs ok? Commented Jan 22, 2014 at 1:04
  • try washing the disk with warm water and liquid soap. Make sure you rinse it well and try it off before trying again
    – Xitcod13
    Commented Jan 26, 2014 at 4:23
  • PS3 or 360? Do other games work? I would not recommend washing the disc with warm water and soap, until you have determined that the disc is the issue.
    – turbo
    Commented Feb 21, 2014 at 22:00

1 Answer 1


What console are you playing on? If it is a PS3, just clean your Blueray lens or wash your disc. If it is an xbox360, try washing it. If you are playing on PC, maybe your PC has a virus.


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