When should I cast my spell shield? Should I cast it before (for example) Nocturne casts his fear, or time it so that it's up when the fear procs?


1 Answer 1


You have to use Spell Shield before Nocturne uses Fear, otherwise the fear won't be blocked. The damage will also be negated if you use it before.

Lolwiki says:

Spell shields will block the application of the tether but will not block the fear from a tether already present.

  • can't believe the wiki mentions something so obscure.
    – Paralytic
    Commented Feb 2, 2014 at 2:40
  • @Paralytic Tethers make up a fair amount of abilities, so it's not that obscure. Plus, if you try it out a few times you'll quickly pick it up anyway.
    – Schism
    Commented Feb 2, 2014 at 4:24
  • @schism that is true, I was just thinking about nocturne's tether.
    – Paralytic
    Commented Feb 2, 2014 at 19:41

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