Does it? And what type of damage does it block?

1 Answer 1


The Wiki states that:

Bristleback takes less damage from all damage types except HP removal.

As Huskar's flaming spears are magical damage, it should indeed block it.

  • I think I read somewhere that Spears are HP removal.. I'm pretty sure I 've read that somewhere.
    – evil
    Commented Mar 3, 2014 at 22:13
  • @evil They are, but only on the damage Huskar deals himself. Any damage to an enemy from burning spears is magical damage. (The ability icon ingame states they deal magic damage, as well as the wiki page I linked) Commented Mar 3, 2014 at 22:55
  • thanks a lot. so on Huskar they are dealing HP removal. Okay. :)
    – evil
    Commented Mar 3, 2014 at 23:23
  • But how about pure damage?
    – Mark
    Commented Mar 6, 2014 at 1:37
  • @UlfricStormcloak I quote from the wiki: "[Pure damage] interacts normally with abilities that reduce all incoming damage, such as...Bristleback" Commented Mar 6, 2014 at 17:19

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