For the HD remake of FFX/FFX-2, over 60 tracks have been remastered or rearranged. In at least one case, a song in the original game was replaced by the re-arranged version from the FFX Piano Collections album.

Is there a full list of new tracks available somewhere?

2 Answers 2


After 2 years, I would assume that somebody somewhere would have generated a list comparing the original vs remastered track. Unfortunately I looked and was unsuccessful

I wrote a little script to compare the track lists on Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Original Soundtrack and Final Fantasy X Original Soundtrack and I have generate a list comparing the Original OST and the Remastered OST

  1. Listen to My Story => I Want To Tell You Everything
  2. Zanarkand => Zanarkand (Arranged)
  3. Prelude => Prelude (Arranged)
  4. Tidus's Theme => Tidus's Theme (Arranged)
  5. Otherworld => Otherworld
  6. Run => Run!! (Arranged)
  7. This Is Your Story => This Is Your Story (Arranged)
  8. Creep => Creep (Arranged)
  9. Battle Theme => Battle Theme (Arranged)
  10. Victory Fanfare => Victory Fanfare (Arranged)
  11. Game Over => Game Over (Arranged)
  12. Out of the Frying Pan => Out Of The Frying Pan (Arranged)
  13. Leap in the Dark => Leap In The Dark (Arranged)
  14. Underwater Ruins => Underwater Ruins (Arranged)
  15. Oui are Al Bhed => Oui Are Al Bhed (Arranged)
  16. Enemy Attack => Enemy Attack (Arranged)
  17. The Blitzers => The Blitzers (Arranged)
  18. Besaid => Besaid (Arranged)
  19. Spira Unplugged => Spira Unplugged (Arranged)
  20. Hymn of the Fayth => Hymn of the Fayth
  21. Phantoms => Phantoms (Arranged)
  22. The Trials => The Trials
  23. Hymn of the Fayth - Valefor => Hymn - Valefor
  24. The Summoning => The Summoning (Arranged)
  25. Braska's Daughter => Braska's Daughter
  26. Good Night => Good Night (Arranged)
  27. Yuna's Theme => Yuna's Theme (Arranged)
  28. Movement in Green => Movement In Green (Arranged)
  29. The Sending => The Sending
  30. Calm Before the Storm => Calm Before The Storm (Arranged)
  31. Hymn of the Fayth - Ifrit => Hymn - Ifrit
  32. Luca => Luca (Arranged)
  33. Grand Maester Mika => Grand Maester Mika (Arranged)
  34. Decision on the Dock => Decision On The Dock (Arranged)
  35. The Splendid Performance => The Splendid Performance
  36. Face-Off => Face Off (Arranged)
  37. Blitz Off => Blitz Off! (Arranged)
  38. Auron's Theme => Auron's Theme (Arranged)
  39. Mi'ihen Highroad => Mi'ihen Highroad (Arranged)
  40. Chocobo Jam => Chocobo Jam (Arranged)
  41. The Travel Agency => The Travel Agency (Arranged)
  42. They May Pass => They May Pass (Arranged)
  43. Seymour's Theme => Seymour's Theme (Arranged)
  44. Twilight => Twilight (Arranged)
  45. Djose Temple => Djose Temple
  46. Hymn of the Fayth - Ixion => Hymn - Ixion
  47. Rides Ze Shoopuf? => Ridess The Shoopuf?
  48. Rikku's Theme => Rikku's Theme (Arranged)
  49. Guadosalam => Guadosalam (Arranged)
  50. Thunder Plains => Thunder Plains (Arranged)
  51. Jecht's Theme => Jecht's Theme (Arranged)
  52. Macalania Woods => Macalania Woods
  53. The Void => The Void (Arranged)
  54. The Temple Player => The Temple Players (Arranged)
  55. Seymour's Ambition => Seymour's Ambition (Arranged)
  56. Hymn of the Fayth - Shiva => Hymn - Shiva
  57. Pursuit => Pursuit (Arranged)
  58. The Burning Sands => The Burning Sands (Arranged)
  59. Peril => Peril
  60. The Truth Revealed => The Truth Revealed (Arranged)
  61. Launch => Launch (Arranged)
  62. The Wedding => The Wedding (Arranged)
  63. Assault => Assault (Arranged)
  64. Tragedy => Tragedy (Arranged)
  65. Believe => Believe (Arranged)
  66. Via Purifico => Via Purifico
  67. Hymn of the Fayth - Bahamut => Hymn - Bahamut
  68. Moment of Truth => Moment Of Truth
  69. Patricide => Patricide
  70. Suteki Da Ne (Isn't It Wonderful?) => SUTEKI DA NE (Isn't It Wonderful?)
  71. Yuna's Decision => Yuna's Decision (Arranged)
  72. Lulu's Theme => Lulu's Theme
  73. Bravely Forward => Bravely Forward
  74. Hymn of the Fayth - Yojimbo => Hymn - Yojimbo
  75. Servants of the Mountain => Servants of the Mountain (Arranged)
  76. Hymn of the Fayth - The Ronso => Hymn - The Ronso
  77. Wandering => Wandering (Arranged)
  78. A Fleeting Dream => A Fleeting Dream (Arranged)
  79. Hymn of the Fayth - Yunalesca => Hymn - Yunalesca
  80. Challenge => Challenge (Arranged)
  81. Beyond the Darkness => Beyond The Darkness
  82. Gloom => Gloom (Arranged)
  83. Hymn of the Fayth - Spira => Hymn - Spira
  84. The Unsent Laugh => The Unsent Laugh (Arranged)
  85. Fight With Seymour => Fight With Seymour (Arranged)
  86. Hymn of the Fayth - Anima => Hymn - Anima
  87. A Contest of Aeons => A Contest Of Aeons (Arranged)
  88. Final Battle => Final Battle (Arranged)
  89. Ending Theme => Ending Theme" (Ending Theme)
  90. Never Forget Them => Please Remember
  91. Suteki Da Ne (Isn't It Wonderful?) Orchestra Version => SUTEKI DA NE (Isn't It Wonderful?) Orchestra Version

There is some information on track changes here (sadly not much though) - http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_X/X-2_HD_Remaster

Looks like the main ones are the battle theme and the thunder plains tracks. "Wakka's Theme" is a newly added track as well.

If I can find an actual list for you somewhere, I'll add it in here!

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