I wrote this AutoHotkey script to generate shortcuts (no icon images though)
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Loop, *, 0, 0
if RegExMatch(A_LoopFileName, "appmanifest_\d+\.acf") {
FileToRead = %A_LoopFileName%
TempFile := "shortcuts_tempinfo.txt"
FileDelete, %TempFile%
RunWait,shortcuts.bat %FileToRead% >> %TempFile%,,Hide
FoundPos := RegexMatch(Output, """name"".*?""(.*?)""", SubPat)
Name := RegExReplace(SubPat1, "[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]")
StringReplace, LoopFileName, A_LoopFileName, appmanifest_
StringReplace, LoopFileName, LoopFileName, .acf
IniWrite, steam://rungameid/%LoopFileName%, %A_Desktop%\%Name%.url, InternetShortcut, URL
MsgBox, Finished
It needs to be placed inside your SteamApps folder with shortcuts.bat
@echo off
type %1
The script scans through your appmanifest files and creates desktop shortcuts like Steam would, except for the missing icon. (I couldn't figure out a way to find the icon for a game yet due to varying game folder structures)