This may be a dumb question, but I could find NOTHING for this.

In Heroville you have loot in your hero's when they're hunting. What is this loot? Can I use it? How does it work?

1 Answer 1


Basic Explaination

In the Options/Help tab:

  • Upgrade the Tent to attract new Heroes.
  • Hero will adventure and earn gold and resources from defeating monsters.
  • Gold will be used by the hero to purchase items from your town. That gold will then be transfered to the towns gold.
  • A Heroes level will increase their effectiveness while working.

This means that heroes resources and gold are to buy the items you offer (potions, weapons, accessories, ...).

Additional Observations

When you employ a hero to work for you, they will no longer gain experience (unless they were trained via the Academy). The treasure chest resource, which the code refers to as scrap is used for repairing. The code for that is:

while (weapon.durability < $scope.weapons[weapon.id].durability && hero.equip.scrap > (weapon.id - 1) && $scope.resources != $scope.maxResources) {
  hero.equip.scrap -= weapon.id;
  $scope.resources += weapon.id;

This means, while the weapon can be fixed, the hero has scrap >= the weapon's location in the list of weapons, and you have not hit the max for the treasure chest resource, the hero will continue repairing.

So, say your hero has a Hand Axe that lost 10 durability. This is the 2nd weapon on the list, so each point of durability will cost 2 scrap. If the hero has 20 scrap, they can fully repair it. If they only have 5, they can spend 4 to get 2 points back and keep the last 1.

  • This doesn't make much sense to me. So they're workers, and I have to pay them in goods to get their gold? What about the "chest" thing? How does that work? Also, when I assign the hero's to work for me and gather resources, they're acting like my slaves. I pay them nothing and they work for free. I'm still confused, I hope you can elaborate.
    – Chantola
    Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 20:33

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