The battle ended, and then, game froze and I was taken to main screen. Nothing was said about the 2 cards I should receive after the battle.

Additional info: The next battle is avaliable and I have the Mad Scientist card(which is supposed to be the prize), but it's not marked as new (and I don't remember if I already had it) .

  • 6
    Check in your card collection? Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 18:59
  • What was the fight or who did you fight?
    – Sorean
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 19:02
  • @Sorean, GROBBULUS, the second boss of Construct district Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 19:04
  • 1
    You could either check whether the next Adventure Mode mission is avaialble (unless it was the final boss of a wing), or check the wiki or another source to see which cards you should have (I'd imagine they would be marked as "new" cards either way).
    – gwj17
    Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 19:04
  • The next battle is avaliable and I have the Mad Scientist card(which is supposed to be the prize), but it's not marked as new (and I don't remember if I already had it) Commented Sep 9, 2015 at 19:06

2 Answers 2


Check your card collection for the Mad Scientist card. That is the reward from the fight if you completed it. If the next fight is available in adventure mode then that also indicates that you completed the previous fight. You just missed the animation/notification of the cards you get/got.


You can tell by the big green V on the boss' icon. If it's marked as completed, you will always get the cards.

Your card collection is stored on Blizzard's servers, not on your local device. Your client freezing will not prevent you from getting the rewards. As long as you can see the match ending, it's safe to assume that everything is in place.

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